Fritz Biehler, the worlds greatest Schutzhund trainer came to New Jersey by special sponsorship of Dean Calderon, T. Floyd and Carlos Rojas. We were excited to have such an opportunity to invite Mr. Biehler to the United States as a training coach during this seminar. It was the first seminar that we held together and we were able to have over 80 people as spectators for this seminar.
We held 4 day private training lessons prior to the announced 2 day seminar dated on November 15 and 16, 2003. We carefully selected 7 participants to train under the direct supervision of Fritz Biehler during this 2 day seminar.
During the first 3 days of the private training lessons with Mr. Biehler in the farm of Carlos Rojas, the spectators were very limited and we trained very intensely for long hours. On 4th day, we had 6 participants on our field so they were able to prepare what we would train during the seminar.
Since Fritz Biehler is not familiar with English, we invited his German friend, Rosie Westerman as a interpreter during this week event. Our appreciation to Rosie for such a great translation work she has done for us and her generosity.